The statistics describe developments pertaining to the Swedish merchant fleet and other large Swedish vessels, and how those vessels are being used.
Data concerning number, size, age and primary use are reported for each vessel type. Merchant vessels that are registered in and deregistered from the Swedish register are categorised based on, for example, whether they are newly built or changed to a foreign register. The section pertaining to merchant vessel use all Swedish controlled vessels are included. The on board employees of Swedish registered merchant vessels are also elucidated in the report with respect to occupation, citizenship and gender.
The scope of the survey
The survey includes all Swedish-registered merchant- and specialised vessels and Swedish controlled merchant vessels in foreign registers with gross tonnage of at least 100. Smaller vessels are included in certain tables and diagrams.
Vessels is published in May each year, electronically in terms of statistics explained, in tables in Excel format and in the database.
All users are recommended to use the latest available report as revised figures are not updated in previous publications.