Commercial public Road Transport

Statistics related to regularly scheduled public transport operated by public transport companies under completely commercial conditions.

          Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

The statistics contains information about supply (planned and performed) and travelling in commercial scheduled public transport on road in Sweden. The statistics are presented in two main groups: regional and interregional traffic.

This survey is both a continuation of the Long-Distance Bus survey and an adaptation to the new Public Transport Act (SFS 2010:1065). The follow-ups of the Long-Distance Bus survey, which have been conducted by Transport Analysis since 2010 and by the Swedish Institute for Transport And Communications Analysis (SIKA) since 1999, have encompassed all public transport on road crossing at least one county line.

The scope of the survey

The survey covers all commercial scheduled public transport on road in Sweden. "Commercial transport" refers to transport that is not regulated under government contract. Commercial transport is operated by a transport company or commissioned by a commercial company on the basis of purely market-based considerations, and with no government involvement.

No ordered or charter services, which are not regularly scheduled, are part of the survey.


Commercial scheduled public transport on road is published once a year (June) and are available in Excel.