Swedish national freight transport strategy – mid-term review 2020

In this mid-term review of the Government's national strategy from 2018, Efficient, high-capacity and sustainable freight transport – a national freight transport strategy, the aggregated development in target areas of the strategy is analysed. The analysis is mainly based on quantitative data from 2019 or earlier.
- Rapport 2020:16 Nationella godstransportstrategin - halvtidsutvärdering 2020
- PM 2021:2 Effektiva och hållbara godstransporter - indikatorer för benchmarking av nationella godstransportstrategin
- PM 2020:9 Dialog, kunskapsutbyte och samverkan – om genomförandet av den nationella godstransportstrategin
- Innovation, utbildning och forskning på godstransportområdet
- Summary report: Swedish national freight transport strategy – mid-term review 2020
Thus, the Corona pandemic is not considered to have any effect on the results of this report. The analysis is supplemented with a general review of the use of strategies as an instrument for governance, and with qualitative investigations of thoughts and experiences of the industry and other stakeholders in the implementation of the strategy.
The connection between the observed development in the transport system and the nature of the strategy's various focus areas is discussed in the report. The observations suggest that a continued and determined work is required to meet the objectives of the national freight transport strategy. That there are only isolated indications that the work with the strategy has had effects on our indicators may appear discouraging, but it should be noted that a large part of the efforts is still in progress and not completed. In addition, the underlying conditions for freight transport may have changed though the effects are not yet visible on an aggregated level.