Perspectives on travel and travel opportunities

In its public service agreement, Transport Analysis has been tasked with preparing a current status analysis and knowledge base regarding the personal transport situation in Sweden with respect to different types of traffic and modes of transport, nationally as well as in urban regions, small and medium-sized towns, sparsely populated areas, and rural areas. Light is also to be shed on international travel, with a focus on other Nordic countries.
The report covers how people travel today and includes an analysis of the travel options available to various groups in society from a developmental perspective extending to 2050.
A person’s travel options are affected by accessibility as shaped by transport system configuration, land use, time restrictions, and individual circumstances.
The report confirms the perception that Sweden’s regions and various societal groups exhibit both similarities and major differences in accessibility that affect the existing opportunities in terms of linking residences, workplaces, leisure activities, etc. Similarly, differences in travel patterns are found in chosen transport modes, travel times, trip lengths, and trip purposes.