International cooperation in the transport field

Transport Analysis is helping the Ministry of Enterprise concretise, coordinate, and follow up the cooperative agreements in the transport field that have been signed between Sweden and the USA and between Sweden and China.
Reports in English and Swedish
Four working groups have been created in the cooperative agreement with the USA: high-speed rail, traffic safety, liveability, and PRT/GRT/ATN . Various types of cooperative projects are being carried out within each group.
As part of its efforts under the cooperative agreement entered into between the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and the US Department of Transportation, Transport Analysis has published a report entitled "Administrative policy and transport policy actors: the USA and EU in a comparative perspective". The report is intended to facilitate an understanding of how administrative policy structure and actors in the transport field in the USA and EU affect transport policy. Special emphasis has been placed on taxation as a policy tool, although the report is primarily a descriptive study that summarises and clarifies the various involved structures, institutions, and actors.
The main elements of the report were presented at a seminar entitled "The USA, EU and Sweden: What distinguishes us?" on 24 October 2011 and at a US Department of Transportation workshop in Washington D.C. on 30 November 2011.
The cooperative agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Transport contains a separate work plan for cooperation in the following areas: urban transport, road transport and safety, waterborne transport, and green aviation. A cooperative agreement has been signed with the Chinese Ministry of Railroads as well, designating the following areas of cooperation: transport and rail policy, development of efficient rail connections between Sweden and China, and the exchange of experts.
A work plan has been formulated within the framework of our cooperation with the Japanese Ministry of Railroads. Joint work groups have been formed in the areas of high-speed rail and railroad maintenance, with a special focus on winter conditions. Transport Analysis is participating both in the coordinating committee for the cooperative effort and by analysing how railroads in Sweden and Japan are organised.
Contact person, USA: Gunnar Eriksson
Contact person, China: Backa Fredrik Brandt
Contact person, Japan: Anna Ullström
A cooperative agreement in the transport field was signed between the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and the US Department of Transportation on 30 September 2010. A corresponding agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Transport was signed on 22 February 2011; a similar agreement was also signed with the Chinese Ministry of Railroads in April 2012. A corresponding cooperative agreement in the area of rail transport was signed with Japan in May 2013.