Follow-up of transport policy objectives 2021

In a yearly report, Transport Analysis analyses the current state of the transport system in terms of the government's policy objectives. Transport Analysis also presents its assessments as to how the state has changed in terms of these objectives.
Summary Report
Overall, Transport Analysis considers that the transport supply is not yet approaching long-term sustainability, based on all the relevant sustainability perspectives. Non-internalised costs persist for both shipping and personal transport, across all transport types. This entails a risk that our society is overconsuming transport compared to what would be most efficient from a socioeconomic standpoint. Neither over- nor under-internalisation contributes to socioeconomic efficiency. The conditions surrounding commercial shipping are not considered to have moved in a positive direction. The Usability by everyone in the transport system indicator is considered to be trending negatively.
Digital access without ties to transport has improved. We also see that those areas with formerly inadequate coverage have now largely been covered by the broadband expansion, even though we do not find that the established intermediate objectives in this area have been achieved on time. The negative impact of the transport system on the landscape and animal life is not considered to have diminished.
Traffic safety is constantly improving, although the goal of reduced traffic fatalities does not appear to have been achieved on time. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to decline, but the rate of progress is not sufficient for it to be likely that the intermediate objective for 2030 will be achieved on time.
Overall, Transport Analysis finds that the transport system has not achieved the overall objective, as the various aspects of sustainability cannot compensate for one another. Even though our overall assessment is unchanged from previous years, there is reason to note that, since the adoption of the objectives, the number of key metrics guiding the overall assessments that have evolved positively exceeds the number that have moved in an undesirable direction.