Policy instrument for eco-friendly goods vehicles

Transport Analysis has been tasked with analysing whether additional policy instruments are needed to retool Sweden's heavy goods vehicle fleet so that the climate target for domestic transport can be achieved.
Full report (in Swedish) and summary report
An eco-friendly goods vehicle premium has been proposed to be granted to purchasers of factory-new goods vehicles with a total weight exceeding 16 metric tonnes, assuming they are powered by electricity, bio gas, or ethanol. The proposal calls for the premium to be implemented as of 1 January 2020. The eco-friendly goods vehicle premium would essentially amount to 40% of the added cost of the vehicle compared with a corresponding diesel goods vehicle, regardless of vehicle type.
It is important that the premium be designed to ensure that these vehicles will remain in Sweden. It is proposed that this preferably be achieved by configuring the premium as a conditional subsidy, with the condition being that the vehicle must remain in the Swedish vehicle register for at least five years. A secondary alternative is that the premium be configured as a conditional loan. It is proposed that the eco-friendly goods vehicle premium be administered by the Swedish Energy Agency.