Rising fares for public transport in Sweden and the EU

Människor på tunnelbaneplattform utomhus

Transport Analysis has been tasked by the Government with assessing the effects of new regulations affecting public transport from a passenger perspective. One important question concerns the fare increases that have occurred in regional public transport. The Swedish fare situation is viewed from an international perspective.

Full report in Swedish:

Rapport 2014:15
Published:  1 December 2014

Transport Analysis has mapped public transport fares in Sweden and the EU, finding that these fares have been trending upward over the last 15 years. The prices of single tickets have risen the most, although monthly passes have become more expensive as well. Public transport fares have risen at a considerably faster rate than have the prices of other goods and services in our society. As a result, public transport is accounting for an increasing share of passengers' total expenditures.

In the longer term, this dramatic increase in fares for passenger travel by public transport could reduce the incentives for choosing public transport. Surging fares also make it more difficult for the public transport industry to achieve its goals in terms of both increased ridership and accounting for a greater share of total travel. It is in the interests of passengers, society, and the industry for this trend to end and for fare increases to abate.


Summary Report 2014:15 Regional Public Transport Fares in Sweden and the EU