Annual follow-up of the Transport policy objectives

Transport Analysis is tasked by the Government with following up transport policy objective on a yearly basis.
Full report and background report (in Swedish)
In this report, Transport Analysis analyses the current state of the transport system in terms of the government's specifications. Transport Analysis also presents its assessments as to how the state has changed in terms of these specifications.
The transport system has developed at a slow pace since the current transport policy objectives were adopted by the Riksdag(the Swedish parliament) in 2009. Transport of both goods and passengers is covering its own costs to a greater degree than previously, and certain kinds of transport even appear to be “over-internalised”, meaning that the taxes and levies imposed by society exceed the costs of the transport itself. The non-internalised costs are still considerable for other kinds of transport, such as shipments of goods by heavy vehicles in urban areas.
Summary Report - Annual follow-up of the Transport policy objectives